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What is an Interactive Map?

What is an Interactive Map?

Why Interactive Maps are the need of today?

A map is a drawing of a particular area such as a city, a country, or a continent, showing its major features as they would appear if you looked at them from top view.

An Interactive map allows users to interact with the map such as drop-down menus help the user to select the categories/ data they are looking for, zooming in and out, positioning around, identifying specific locations, picturizing and giving more information about the same.

Unlike static maps, interactive maps have the advantage of a number of facts designed to improve the display of a large amount of complex data.

Interactive Map Features
Interactive maps can helps to convert website visitors to actual visitors. Make it easy for your visitors to explore your area by adding the only interactive map of its kind.


3D View – High resolution 3D view for all maps.

Multiple Views – Day view, Night view.

User friendly – Provides visitors a rich experience to view the map at the glance. The drop down menu assist them to find specific information targeted to their interests.

Shareable – Visitors can easily share the information with friends and family.

Printable directions – Driving directions and routing for each category/sub menu item created with printable maps with directions for their specific requirement.

Built-in Photos of your area – Sells your area with photos.

Built-in ad serving – Advertising or sponsorship module included.

Easy to edit – Area, Categories and Sub Categories are completely editable

Multiple streams of revenue potential – Create additional revenue by allowing advertising or sponsorships, and selling space on the map.

• Easy to manage – Our maps are easy to manage.

Easy to incorporate into your site – Allows you to easily place the Interactive map in your website within minutes.

Advantages of Interactive Maps
Interactive maps offer a modern alternative to traditional maps, give solutions to typical map constraints, and deliver more benefits.

Interactive maps are flexible, data & design components can be restructured and manipulated.

Interactive maps work great on multiple devices and are mobile-friendly.

Web maps can take users directly to a feature through a URL.

Show large areas without compromising resolution.

Add more concepts that would not be possible on a predefined size.

Can use as an excellent way finder.

Interactive maps are powerful tools for presentation.

Can use as a part of the sales kit.

Which industries use interactive maps

Hotels & Resorts

Tours & Travels

Real Estate and Master Developers


Oil & Gas industry

Business & Trading industry

Financial Institutions and Banks

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